
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Luther College and Decorah, Iowa, Partner to Help Create a Clean Energy Future

The Energy Department is excited to announce a new video series, "Energy in Our Community," which will feature small communities throughout the country that are striving to become more sustainable, are investing in the green economy, and are bringing the benefits of clean energy to local residents and workers. The Department kicked off the series with a video from Luther College that highlights how Decorah, Iowa, is benefiting from the projects undertaken by the college to reduce its energy waste and deploy clean, renewable energy projects campus-wide.
"'Clean Energy in Our Community’ will highlight small communities around the country working to promote clean renewable energy initiatives and how our colleges and universities in particular play a critical role in shaping our communities and driving America’s clean energy economy," said U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu. "Luther College and Decorah, Iowa, are great examples of how our local communities can help lead the way in making sure that America wins the global clean energy race."
Luther College installed a 1.6 megawatt wind turbine last fall. This summer Luther established the largest zero-emission facility in Iowa by using a 280 KW solar field to power a 100 plus student residential housing complex that uses geothermal energy to heat and cool the facility. Luther has also created an Office of Sustainability, which is helping the college reach its goal of cutting its carbon footprint in half by 2015 and becoming carbon neutral by 2030. 
Along with these commitments, Luther helped others in Decorah, Iowa, establish the Winneshiek Energy District, which has helped the residents of Winneshiek County invest more than $1 million dollars in energy efficiency programs over the past two years.
Decorah and Luther College are not the only communities that are working every day to invest in the clean energy economy. Small communities across the country are continuously building partnerships to become more sustainable, relying on clean energy resources to meet their energy needs. These partnerships often include schools, nonprofits, and local governments.
The Energy Department is committed to supporting communities like Decorah as they invest in clean renewable energy that reduces carbon pollution, creates local jobs, and helps to drive local economies. This series will help connect and feature our small communities nationwide that are investing in clean energy and playing a role in making sure the United States leads the world in the global race for the green jobs of the future.
Stay tuned as continues to highlight communities committed to creating sustainability projects, increasing investments in the clean energy economy, and helping America win the global race for a clean energy future.

Posted originally by the Department of Energy. Please follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Biofuels 101

To reduce our dependence on imported oil we need an all-out, all-of-the-above strategy to develop every available source of American energy. This includes investments in clean, renewable biofuels.
So what exactly is biofuel? It’s clean, renewable fuel produced from biomass -- organic material such as plants, residue from agriculture, and even algae. 
At the Energy Department, we are taking a number of steps to develop the next generation of biofuels – including our joint announcement today with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) of a $41 million investment in projects to accelerate innovation across America’s growing biofuels industry.
Efforts like these that support the development of the next generation of biofuels will not only help reduce our dependence on imported oil but also create jobs, accelerate community development, and protect our air and water.
Learn about biofuels technology by watching the video above, and for more energy basics, check out our Energy 101 YouTube playlist

Posted originally by the Department of Energy. Please follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Powering Curiosity: Lab Tech Goes to Mars: (DOE)

This morning at 1:31 EDT the Mars rover Curiosity touched down on the Red Planet after a daredevil descent to begin its mission exploring a vast crater thought to be formed by water.
Curiosity’s primary mission will be to gather geological and environmental data from the Martian surface to determine whether the planet supports life now or has in the past -- and collect data for a manned mission.
It will do this by travelling around a particularly promising site called Gale Crater, which has three miles of exposed geological strata, or rock layers like we have in the Grand Canyon. By drilling into these rocks and sampling them, scientists can tell quite a bit about global processes that formed the planet -- including the role of water in its creation and the possibility of microbial life.
To do this, Curiosity is outfitted with a jackhammer at the end of a six-foot robotic arm to drill into rocks, and scoop the sample into its onboard spectrometer, which figures out its exact make up. For a quicker, hands-free approach, Curiosity can also fire its laser at a rock, vaporizing it in a visible flash of light. A sensitive device called the ChemCam, developed at Los Alamos National Lab, then reads the colors in the flash to determine its exact composition.
The one-ton, six-wheeled rover is twice as long and five times heavier than any other rolling science laboratory NASA has dropped onto the Martian soil so far. Previous rover missions to Mars had at most five experiments. Curiosity has 10 experiments, including the aforementioned rock-vaporizing laser. It also has a longer range than its predecessors. Another thing sets this rover apart from its predecessors -- Curiosity lacks solar panels.
Instead, a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) powers Curiosity. The device used in this mission was assembled and tested by researchers at Idaho National Labwith components from Los Alamos National Lab and Oak Ridge National LabSandia National Laboratories performed the nuclear safety assessment. The device uses the same radioisotope technology that powers deep space probes like Pioneer, Galileo, Cassini, and other instruments intended to operate in the coldest, darkest reach of space outside our Solar System. The Energy Department's Office of Nuclear Energy and its predecessors have maintained the national capability to develop, manufacture and safely deliver radioisotope power systems for space exploration missions for more than five decades.
It was the technology of choice for Curiosity because as plutonium dioxide decays it gives off heat, which solves two problems of operating on the very cold, volatile surface of Mars. First, it heats the precise scientific instruments. With temperatures in the Gale Crater ranging from freezing (0 degrees Celsius) in the height of Martian summer and dropping well into negative double-digits at other times of the year, heat is important to keep the instruments within their operating temperatures.
Second, the MMRTG will provide a reliable 110 watts of power. The power system has a design life of 14 years, but all RTGs have exceeded their design life in the past. The MMRTG is not affected by Martian dust which was a problem with previous Mars rovers. During two potentially mission-shattering events during the Spirit and Opportunity missions, operators woke up the rovers to find their solar panels covered in dust. Running at reduced power, researchers could still perform their experiments, but it was slow going until wind swept their panels clean.
Nuclear-powered and decked out with a rock laser, courtesy of the Energy Department and its National Labs, Curiosity is by far the most sophisticated instrument we’ve loaded onto a rocket and launched into space. Today marks the beginning of its two-year mission on the Martian surface to determine the history of -- and our future with -- our neighboring Red Planet.

Posted originally by the Department of Energy. Please follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Atlantic City, NJ Wind Farm (ACUA)

Wind farm developer: Community Energy, Inc. & Jersey-Atlantic Wind, LLC
Location: ACUA Wastewater Treatment Plant, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Project includes five, 380 foot high turbines. Each turbine is capable of producing 1.5 megawatts for a total of 7.5 megawatts, enough energy to power approximately 2,500 homes. It is estimated that the energy produced by the wind farm will save the energy equivalent of 23,613 barrels of crude oil.
When operating at design wind conditions, the energy is used to operate the ACUA wastewater treatment plant, with any excess energy provided to the main power grid.
Estimated cost of the project is $12 million. Community Energy has received a $1.7 million grant from the NJ Board of Public Utilities, and had applied for a $1.92 million customer supply grant through Conectiv. The remaining costs are being funded by equity investments or debt financing.
Wind Farm has been operational since December 2005.
Wind turbines manufactured by General Electric

Check out this live webcam of the turbines below!
Not working? Go to: ACUA Wind Turbine

Camera Image

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Making Carbon Capture and Storage Efficient and Cost Competitive: DOE

Today, at The Ohio State University, the Energy Department announced the selection of eight projects to advance the development of transformational oxy-combustion technologies capable of high-efficiency, low-cost carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from coal-fired power plants. 
The Energy Department is strategically focusing on the economic “utilization” of captured carbon dioxide for commercial purposes – evolving from CCS to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage or CCUS. 
The Department’s focused research in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies is essential in helping to reduce the carbon pollution that comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. By adding Utilization of the captured carbon dioxide, a business case can be made for companies looking to pursue the environmental benefits of CCS.
Today approximately five percent of domestic oil production comes from a process that uses carbon pollution to access otherwise unreachable oil reserves. More widespread use of carbon dioxide to recover these hard-to-reach resources could yield a significant boost to the U.S. economy, including increased economic activity, improved balance of trade, job creation, and reduced oil imports. Most importantly, CCUS would benefit the environment by helping reduce atmospheric man-made carbon dioxide emissions.
Today’s announcement marks Phase 1 of a two-phase effort to evaluate and develop advanced oxy-combustion projects that yield cost-competitive options for CCUS. Each project will evaluate a promising near-term technology called oxy-fuel combustion, focusing on engineering and economic analysis of the technology.
The basic concept of oxy-combustion is to replace the combustion air with a mixture of oxygen and recycled flue gas and/or water for temperature control. The remainder of the flue gas, that is not recirculated, is rich in carbon dioxide and water vapor, and is easily separated, producing a stream of CO2 ready for utilization or sequestration.
The Phase 1 projects – each lasting 12 months – with help from the Department’s $7 million investment will also focus on efficiency improvements and cost reductions of capturing carbon. Partnered with the Department’s cutting-edge research, these projects will help industry make fossil energy use cleaner, safer and more sustainable.
The selected projects will be managed by the Energy Department’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.
  •  Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group (Barberton, Ohio) 
  •  University of Kentucky Research Foundation (Lexington, Ky.)
  •  Alstom Power (Windsor, Conn.)
  •  Gas Technology Institute (Des Plaines, Ill.)
  •  Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne  (Canoga Park, Calif.)
  •  Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio, Texas)
  •  Unity Power Alliance (Worcester, Mass.)
  •  Washington University (St. Louis, Mo.)
Posted originally by the Department of Energy. Please follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 is now LIVE! has officially been launched and is currently live. After a number of months of putting together this website as well as the blog that goes with it, the main portions of the site have been completed. An image of the website is seen below:

On top of completing the website, the Renewable Globe Facebook Page has grown to over 1,000 views in less than a week of launching it. A Twitter account has also been created for Renewable Globe.

Although the entire website is not complete at this time, our web and research teams are working hard to get the job done. The individual and specific pages will be complete with time detailing each type of renewable energy that we have chosen to cover at this time. Company lists will also be provided with ticker symbols and more. We appreciate everyone's support so far and will keep you posted as we will continue to grow.

Questions, comments, and/or suggestions? Please visit our Contact Us page. Thank you! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Open PV Project: NREL

Stumbled across this amazing PV project by NREL a few days ago. Herre is a little bit about it and how it can help you! Check it out.

The Project

The Open PV Project is a collaborative effort between government, industry, and the public that is compiling a comprehensive database of photovoltaic (PV) installation data for the United States. Data for the project are voluntarily contributed from a variety of sources including utilities, installers, and the general public. The data collected is actively maintained by the contributors and are always changing to provide an evolving, up-to-date snapshot of the US solar power market.

Data Collection

The Open PV Project is collecting data from any willing contributor of available information. NREL has "seeded" the Open PV database by requesting data from most state run incentive programs, large utilities, and other organizations. This initial data collection has provided a solid base of data for the project to launch from and it is our hope that the database will continue to grow through contributions from the PV community and anyone interested in understanding PV market dynamics in the US.

Data Quality

Determining the quality of incoming data is dependent upon who is submitting the data to the project. This means that data coming from users associated with a particular organization may be "trusted" more than data from other unknown users. Each registered user is assigned a default "score" based on their organizational affiliation. This score is highest for Government users (State, Federal, etc.) because such users are often involved with incentive programs that have a defined data collection process in place. Second are utility and PV installers (and others in the PV industry), and so on. All users who contribute data to the project have the ability to gain a "project reputation" that can impact the score of the data they contribute.


Data validation occurs on each record in the database on a regular basis. The database is continually analyzed for corrupt records, bad or invalid data, and outliers such as an abnormal cost to watt ratio. Records found to contain questionable data are flagged and are dealt with on a case by case basis by a member of the Open PV Team.


Understanding duplication is one of the ways that individual records are validated. In a publicly contributed database, it is imperative to anticipate the submission of duplicate records. When duplicate records are detected, they are added to an install specific list of duplicates and the data provided are aggregated into "summary records" of their respective installs. Identifying duplicate records helps validate PV installs in the database. The more a PV installation is duplicated in the database, the more trust the project places on the data for that installation.

Data Fields

Required Fields

The Open PV Project is designed to be able to store nearly any type of information pertaining to PV installations. In order to provide the primary statistics from the database we have identified 4 data fields that are required of each PV install added to the project. These four fields are:
  • Date Installed (Completion date or interconnection date)
  • Size/Capacity of the PV Installation (in kW DC)
  • Location (Zipcode or Street Address)
  • Total Installed Cost (in USD, before incentives)

Additional Fields

The four required fields listed above provide the Open PV Project with the base information needed to derive several key statistics on the US PV market, including historical trends and regional comparisons. However, the design of the Open PV database is capable of storing nearly any type of data associated with PV installation, so the Open PV Team would like to encourage you to contribute any additional information you are comfortable sharing. This extra information can be extremely valuable, for example, data that contains information about who installed the PV installation can help to answer very useful questions about where certain installers are working. Information on module or inverter types can be useful in mapping efficiency and detailed financing information can be a key factor in understanding trends in overall installation cost. The Open PV Team strongly encourages you to contribute any data you feel comfortable providing, especially data you would like to see visualized in our gallery someday.

Here is a screenshot of what the homepage looks like. It is truly an amazing tool!

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Dubai Takes Solar Energy to a Whole New Level

Dubai Solar Energy

Dubai Municipality plans to use solar technology to reduce its consumption of traditionally produced electricity and water by 20 per cent over the next five years.
"[The municipality has] taken a number of initiatives in terms of energy efficiency and conservation," Nejib Zaafrani, the chief executive of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE) said yesterday.
Solar energy plays a part in the efforts to go green and lighting in parks and public places will in future be powered by solar buildings with systems designed to save energy. As part of its overall energy strategy, the DSCE has identified a number of "quick wins" - measures that can easily be implemented to conserve energy and water.

Other Dubai Government entities will join the Municipality with similar efforts.
"We're moving to a wider space in energy savings by implementing energy conservation measures," said Mr Zaafrani. Dubai has managed to curb the rising costs of utility provision by drawing up a programme to moderate the consumption of electricity and water.
Deterred mainly by the resultant hefty increases in utility bills, Dubai residents have reduced their use of both.
This has enabled the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) to postpone the construction of a large-scale power plant, the 1,500 megawatt Hassyan project.
Dubai relies entirely on imports to meet its requirements for natural gas - the primary fuel for power plants in the region.
The emirate is forced to import expensive liquefied natural gas to meet spiralling demand during the summer and is passing on the additional cost to consumers in the form of a fuel surcharge.
To reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, the DSCE in January announced plans for the 1,000MW Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.
This renewable energy facility is due to be completed by 2030.
This article was originally published by The National. Please follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

DOE: Commercial, grid-connected, tidal energy project

On June 24th, 2012, Energy Secretary Steven Chu recognized the nation’s first commercial, grid-connected tidal energy project off the coast of Eastport, Maine. Leveraging a $10 million investment from the Energy Department, Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) will deploy its first commercial tidal energy device into Cobscook Bay this summer. The project, which injected $14 million into the local economy and has supported more than 100 local and supply chain jobs, represents the first tidal energy project in the United States with long-term contracts to sell electricity – helping to drive American leadership in this innovative clean energy technology and diversify the nation’s energy mix.
“Developing America’s vast renewable energy resources is an important part of President Obama’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to create jobs and strengthen U.S. global competitiveness,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “The Eastport tidal energy project represents a critical investment to ensure America leads in this fast-growing global industry, helping to create new manufacturing, construction, and operation jobs across the country while diversifying our energy portfolio and reducing pollution.”
Tidal energy is a clean, renewable resource that can be harnessed wherever changing tides move a significant volume of water – including off the coasts of many U.S. cities where there is high electricity demand. Near Maine, the Bay of Fundy is one of the most robust tidal energy resources in the world. Each day, 100 billion tons of water flow in and out of the bay with the force of 8,000 locomotives and tidal ranges of up to 50 feet. Tides can also be forecast accurately, making tidal energy one of the most reliable and predictable renewable resources available.
“Maine is well positioned to lead the nation in tidal energy development.  The Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Project is one example of the type of actions we need on a national scale to stabilize energy, prevent energy shortages, and achieve national energy independence.  Continued investment and innovation in clean energy technologies are integral to advancing these goals,” said U.S. Senator Susan Collins.  “I have worked hard to secure federal funding to support marine and hydrokinetic technology designed to deliver clean, reliable electricity to Maine consumers, and I am thrilled that the first commercial, grid-connected ocean energy project in the United States is being installed here in Maine.”
Initially, ORPC’s Cobscook Bay pilot project will provide enough clean, renewable electricity to power between 75 and 100 homes. In addition to this Energy Department-supported pilot, ORPC plans expand its Maine project and install additional tidal energy devices to power more than 1,000 Maine homes and businesses.
In April, the Maine Public Utilities Commission approved primary contract terms for 20-year power purchase agreements (PPAs) for the project, marking the first long-term tidal energy PPAs in the United States. The Commission’s order directs the three Maine investor-owned utilities -- Central Maine Power Company, Bangor Hydro Electric and Maine Public Service Company -- to negotiate these agreements with ORPC, helping to attract additional private investment as the project matures.
Through the Energy Department’s early investment, ORPC has brought its tidal energy device from the laboratory to commercial deployment.  The tidal energy devices, as well as many of the components, are being manufactured in the United States, strengthening American manufacturing competitiveness in this emerging global industry. Additionally, technical experts from the Department’s Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico and National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado collaborated with ORPC to conduct open water testing, refine designs and improve device performance.
Earlier this year, the Energy Department released a nationwide tidal energy resource assessment, identifying about 250 terawatt hours of annual electric generation potential from tidal currents. Tidal power represents a major opportunity for new water power development in the U.S., especially along the East Coast as well as in Alaska and Hawaii. This energy potential could significantly contribute to the United States’ total annual electricity production, further diversifying the nation's energy portfolio and providing clean, renewable energy to coastal cities and communities.
This is a press release from the Energy Department (DOE) from June 24th, 2012. For more information on tidal energy in the United States visit the Energy Department’s Water Power Program website.

Check out this video to see it all!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Hoover Dam: A fine example of hydroelectric at its best

The Hoover Dam lies in the U.S. on the border between Arizona and Nevada impounding the Colorado river. The dam was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the great depression. Now it has become an example of some of the best engineering in the history of the United States and remains a landmark for all. At the time, the dam cost just $49 million. 

The Hoover Dam is the sixth largest in the world at 726.3ft tall and 1,244ft wide covering an area of 3.25 million cubic yards. It generates 4.2 BILLION kWh per year with the following generators: 13 x 130 MW, 2 x 127 MW, 1 x 68.5 MW, 1 x 61.5 MW Francis-type, and 2 x 2.4 MW Pelton-type. The following video gives you a small tour of the Hoover Dam and talks briefly of how the generators work. Now THAT is renewable energy at its best.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

HAWTS about VAWTS, Sandia Research on Off-Shore Wind Energy

Though VAWTs have been around since the earliest days of wind energy research at Sandia and elsewhere, VAWT architecture could transform offshore wind technology.
The economics of offshore windpower are different from land-based turbines, due to installation and operational challenges. VAWTs offer three big advantages that could reduce the cost of wind energy: a lower turbine center of gravity; reduced machine complexity; and better scalability to very large sizes.
A lower center of gravity means improved stability afloat and lower gravitational fatigue loads.
Additionally, the drivetrain on a VAWT is at or near the surface, potentially making maintenance easier and less time-consuming. Fewer parts, lower fatigue loads and simpler maintenance all lead to reduced maintenance costs.
Elegant in their simplicity
Sandia is conducting the research under a 2011 Department of Energy (DOE) solicitation for advanced rotor technologies for U.S. offshore windpower generation. The five-year, $4.1 million project began in January of this year.
Wind Energy Technologies manager Dave Minster said Sandia's wind energy program is aimed at addressing the national energy challenge of increasing the use of low-carbon power generation.
"VAWTs are elegant in terms of their mechanical simplicity," said Josh Paquette, one of Sandia's two principal investigators on the project. "They have fewer parts because they don't need a control system to point them toward the blowing wind to generate power."
These characteristics fit the design constraints for offshore wind: the high cost of support structures; the need for simple, reliable designs; and economic scales that demand larger machines than current land-based designs.
Large offshore VAWT blades in excess of 300 meters will cost more to produce than blades for onshore wind turbines. But as the machines and their foundations get bigger -- closer to the 10-20 megawatt (MW) scale -- turbines and rotors become a much smaller percentage of the overall system cost for offshore turbines, so other benefits of the VAWT architecture could more than offset the increased rotor cost.
Challenges remain
However, challenges remain before VAWTs can be used for large-scale offshore power generation.
Curved VAWT blades are complex, making manufacture difficult. Producing very long VAWT blades demands innovative engineering solutions. Matt Barone, the project's other principal investigator, said partners Iowa State University and TPI Composites will explore new techniques to enable manufacture of geometrically complex VAWT blade shapes at an unprecedented scale, but at acceptable cost.
VAWT blades must also overcome problems with cyclic loading on the drivetrain. Unlike horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs), which maintain a steady torque if the wind remains steady, VAWTs have two "pulses" of torque and power for each blade, based on whether the blade is in the upwind or downwind position. This "torque ripple" results in unsteady loading, which can lead to drivetrain fatigue. The project will evaluate new rotor designs that smooth out the amplitude of these torque oscillations without significantly increasing rotor cost.
Because first-generation VAWT development ended decades ago, updated designs must incorporate decades of research and development already built into current HAWT designs. Reinvigorating VAWT research means figuring out the models that will help speed up turbine design work.
"Underpinning this research effort will be a tool development effort that will synthesize and enhance existing aerodynamic and structural dynamic codes to create a publicly available aeroelastic design tool for VAWTs," Barone said.
Needed: aerodynamic braking
Another challenge is brakes. Older VAWT designs didn't have an aerodynamic braking system, and relied solely on a mechanical braking system that is more difficult to maintain and less reliable than the aerodynamic brakes used on HAWTs.
HAWTS use pitchable blades, which stop the turbine within one or two rotations without damage to the turbine and are based on multiple redundant, fail-safe designs. Barone said new VAWT designs will need robust aerodynamic brakes that are reliable and cost-effective, with a secondary mechanical brake much like on modern-day HAWTs. Unlike HAWT brakes, new VAWT brakes won't have actively pitching blades, which have their own reliability and maintenance issues.
VAWT technology: A long history at Sandia
In the 1970s and 1980s, when wind energy research was in its infancy, VAWTs were actively developed as windpower generators. Although strange looking, they had a lot going for them: They were simpler than their horizontal-axis cousins so they tended to be more reliable. For a while, VAWTs held their own against HAWTs. But then wind turbines scaled up.
"HAWTs emerged as the predominant technology for land-based wind over the past 15 years primarily due to advantages in rotor costs at the 1 to 5 megawatt scale," Paquette said.
In the 1980s, research focused more heavily on HAWT turbines, and many VAWT manufacturers left the business, consigning VAWTs to an "also ran" in the wind energy museum.
But the winds of change have blown VAWTs' way once more.
Sandia is mining the richness of its wind energy history. Wind researchers who were among the original wind energy engineers are going through decades of Sandia research and compiling the lessons learned, as well as identifying some of the key unknowns described at the end of VAWT research at Sandia in the 1990s.
The first phase of the program will take place over two years and will involve creating several concept designs, running those designs through modern modeling software and narrowing those design options down to a single, most-workable design. During this phase, Paquette, Barone and their colleagues will look at all types of aeroelastic rotor designs, including HVAWTs and V-shaped VAWTs. But the early favorite rotor type is the Darrieus design.
In phase two researchers will build the chosen design over three years, eventually testing it against the extreme conditions that a turbine must endure in an offshore environment.
In addition to rotor designs, the project will consider different foundation designs: Early candidates are barge designs, tension-leg platforms and spar buoys.
The project partners will work on many elements.
Another partner, the University of Maine, will develop floating VAWT platform dynamics code and subscale prototype wind/wave basin testing. Iowa State University will develop manufacturing techniques for offshore VAWT blades and subscale wind tunnel testing. TPI Composites will design a proof-of-concept subscale blade and develop a commercialization plan. TU-Delft will work on aeroelastic design and optimization tool development and modeling. Texas A&M University will work on aeroelastic design tool development.
"Ultimately it's all about the cost of energy. All these decisions need to lead to a design that's efficient and economically viable," said Paquette.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major R&D responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies and economic competitiveness. Read more...

Story Source: The above story is reprinted from Sandia Labs News Releases provided by DOE/Sandia National Laboratories.

Main Solar Web Page Construction Begins

Today, began constructing the solar portion of their webpage. The above picture shows some of the types of solar energy that will be covered on the webpage. First, in the top left, passive solar, then to the right, active solar, and continuing on, solar thermal, photovoltaic solar, concentrating solar, and lastly, solar companies.

This main page for Renewable Globe Solar will cover the basics about solar energy as a whole with each of these individual types of solar energy being covered on their own landing pages in detail. As the website begins to grow, we will welcome content recommendations as well as requests for more content both on this blog and on the website. We thank you for watching us grow and waiting for the official launch of Read more...

In the meantime, we want to mention that our official pages for Facebook and Twitter are now live and we hope you will take the chance to become our fan and follow us. Thank you!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Solar Stocks Rise High!

Renewable energy stocks fly high after positive, industry information is released!

Digitimes, Taiwan's Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association stated that Germany first-quarter installs, the largest solar panel creation customer base, rose 283% to nearly 2.0 gigawatts. China having an additional 1 gigawatts of projects in process as well and U.S. first-quarter installations grew 85% to 50 megawatts. 

After watching a majority of Solar stocks fall drastically to what looked like no bottom, they have been on fire the past few weeks with big news on earnings and new projects. These may be the stocks to watch as it seems their profits are holding strong through a dangerous economy. Read more...

Some of the big movers today include First Solar (Nasdaq: FSLR), SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR), Ascent Solar Technologies (Nasdaq: ASTI), Yingli Green Energy (NYSE: YGE), and Trina Solar (NYSE: TSL).

Renewable Globe, Live on Blogspot!

Renewable Globe, Renewable World, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Hydroelectric is a new website focused on providing continuous, up to date information on renewable energy around the world. The website that will provide this information is currently under construction. The website is linked with this blog as well as Facebook. As the website becomes developed and this blog begins providing relevant information we will be sure to keep you up to date on our status. We welcome both constructive criticism and compliments in any form. Thank you and please follow! Read more...